ULTURE MEDIA For Food Applications

ULTURE MEDIA For Food Applications

Innovative and Comprehensive Culture Solutions for your Lab

More than 60 years of experience on culture media and microbiology have lead bioMérieux to develop a large range of culture media to suit your daily needs & improve your lab’s quality work.
Our plate methods demonstrate high efficiency and reliability.


We propose recognized culture media solutions for all kind of applications in food microbiology:

For detection or numeration:

  • bioMérieux is the reference method for Listeria (ALOA).
  • Solutions for reference methods with a large scope of microorganisms are available : Salmonella, Listeria, Bacillus, Cronobacter,
  • For easier and cost-effective workflow : bioMérieux develops “bag and plate” solutions: alternative culture media methods being ISO16140 validated methods (e.g. Bacara for Bacillus or Salma for Salmonella)

For confirmation of alternative methods like GENE UP®, VIDAS®, or other culture media methods.

bioMérieux culture media are available in ready to use culture plates, tubes, bottles or bags and dehydrated powders (availability depending on countries and culture media type)
The Quality Control Laboratory of the Combourg (France) manufacturing site is accredited by COFRAC in accordance with the international standard ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 for the realization of the control and performance of culture media – Ready to use solid and liquids according to standard NF EN ISO 11133.
This accreditation, together with all guarantees provided by bioMérieux, constitute the elements that can justify the simplification of performance testing at reception of our ready-to-use culture media (as authorized by the ISO 11133:2014).

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