• DILUMAT® Gravimetric Diluter

      Automated Gravimetric Diluter Standardize sample preparation and increase your productivity. The DILUMAT®gravimetric dilution system is designed to increase your laboratory’s productivity, ensure accurate dilutions and…

    • SMASHER® Sample Blender

      Ultra-quiet & High Performance Blender SMASHER® is a high performance bag blender, that ensures sample homogeneity before microbial detection or identification tests. SMASHER® system relies…

    • TEMPO® CHALLENGE TEST Enumeration System

      Your Solution for Innovative Enumeration Providing quick microbiological analysis results for cosmetics products, will help you to release safer products faster on the market. With…

    • ULTURE MEDIA For Food Applications

      Innovative and Comprehensive Culture Solutions for your Lab More than 60 years of experience on culture media and microbiology have lead bioMérieux to develop a…

    • VIDAS® High Performance Food Pathogen

      VIDAS® High Performance Food Pathogen Detection Automated Pathogen Detection The VIDAS® advanced testing solution for pathogen detection is a fast and efficient multiparametric immunoassay system…

    • VITEK® 2 COMPACT Routine Microbial Identification for Food Applications

      The #1 Solution in Automated Identification VITEK 2 Compact is a fully automated system which guarantees excellence in routine microbial identification. VITEK 2 Compact includes…

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